Commercial Building Disputes

Commercial construction projects are complex and involve multiple stakeholders.

Even with the most well-laid plans, disputes can arise. That’s where our specialised services for commercial building disputes come in. We ensure that conflicts are resolved efficiently, protecting your interests and helping you get projects back on track.


Need help resolving a commercial building dispute? Reach out to Inkling’s experienced team today.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In NSW, small commercial building disputes are most commonly lodged and resolved with the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). NCAT is a specialist tribunal which promotes the use of alternative methods of dispute resolution, such as mediation.

  • Although you do not need a lawyer to appear before NCAT or in court, having a lawyer can be helpful to navigate an often-complex legal system. Seeking legal advice can assist in resolving your dispute smoothly and ensure you are familiar and compliant with all necessary laws and regulations governing commercial building disputes.

  • We can use our expertise in commercial law and dispute resolution to provide you with tailored legal advice, assistance in preparing your case and even representation at the hearing.

    The world of commercial building disputes can be complex and confusing. We prioritise transparent communication by keeping you updated with clear, simple language.

    Alleviate some of the stress of building disputes, and let us tirelessly towards a favourable resolution for you. Contact us today!